Cleaning and maintenance products for Interior, car, boat and caravan

Which treatment does it concern?


daily cleaning

HG interior surface cleaner

  • Interior spray removes grease, dirt, fingerprints and rings easily
Lees meer over HG interior surface cleaner

easily removing nicotine/ smoke stains off windows/ panes

HG car windscreen cleaner

  • For clean streak-free windscreens
Lees meer over HG car windscreen cleaner

quick and intensive cleaning of synthetic and painted parts

HG all plastic cleaner

  • Also for paintwork and wallpaper
Lees meer over HG all plastic cleaner

tar, grease stains and rubber stripes (heels, soles)

HG sticker remover

  • Removes e.g. sticker glue, rubber-based glue, cellotape, tar and smear marks
Lees meer over HG sticker remover

washing/ cleaning of many/ large windows stripelessly

HG window cleaner concentrate

  • Super concentrated
Lees meer over HG window cleaner concentrate