Tips: practical tough job & DIY tips

HG has collected a few practical DIY tips that make the tough jobs a little easier. From general advice to specific tips, for example for stripping wallpaper or removing old sealant. View all tips below.

HG has collected a few practical DIY tips that make the tough jobs a little easier. From general advice to specific tips, for example for stripping wallpaper or removing old sealant. View all tips below.

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Tips for DIY

If you've just bought or rented a new house in particular, you'll have plenty of jobs to look forward to. Painting, wallpapering, laying a new floor and cleaning it all thoroughly, and possibly even removing mould. We can imagine you just want to be done with those DIY jobs as quickly as possible. What a wonderful prospect, being able to move into your new redecorated home! We have listed a few tips for you that make common DIY jobs in a home just that little bit easier:

Removing cement residue
Removing wallpaper
Removing adhesive (remnants)

While these jobs may not seem like much work to start with, they can often be very tedious if you don't have a structured and handy approach.

General do-it-yourself tips

Besides the specific tips named above, we would also like to share a number of general DIY tips that apply to virtually every job you undertake.

Write down what you plan to do
It might sound logical to put your plans to paper beforehand. But this still sometimes goes wrong, especially for the more minor jobs. When we're short on time, we sometimes get straight to work, forgetting certain things and therefore struggling at a later stage, which in the end actually costs a lot more time. It's therefore sensible to write down your plans, the steps required, the tools and materials you need and your (time) planning for the job. You might want to make note of paint numbers, brushes and other products you have used, so that you can easily reorder them at a later date.

Keep the room clean and well ventilated
Don't forget to ventilate the room effectively, especially during painting jobs! The paint dries quicker, but it is better for your health too. Apart from ventilation, we recommend cleaning and tidying rooms all the time. If you do so regularly, it will save time in the end and will avoid you tripping over any materials, that might slow the work down even more.

Work safely and take your time
Make sure you wear the correct protection equipment for each job, such as gloves or safety goggles. Do the job properly equipped and take your time. If you don't have the time, it is better not to start the job. Last but not least, carelessness and hasty work will result in you paying less attention to safety, and accidents can happen so easily.