How to get oil off the driveway? Safe way for removing oil stains from concrete

A leaking exhaust, working on a moped or just spilling oil during a barbecue. It is easy to produce stains on your stone patio or a drive. Oil and grease on stone cause nasty stains. They really do not do a beautiful patio or a drive any good. Removing an oil stain from concrete or tiles is not easy anyway. Fortunately there are some convenient tips for how to remove oil stains from the driveway.

HG is the effective and safe way to remove oil stains from the drive

remove oil from the driveway Did you produce a nasty oil stain on tiles? With HG natural stone oil and grease absorber it doesn’t matter on what type of stone surface you spilled oil, grease or lubricant. With HG natural stone oil and grease absorber you can remove oil stains from cobblestones, concrete, cement, bricks, gravel tiles, quarry tiles and all other stone types. Removing grease stains from tiles takes no time at all with HG. Do you have an oil or grease stain on porous stone? You can remove those oil stains from tiles with HG natural stone oil and grease absorber.

This is how you use HG natural stone oil and grease absorber to remove grease, lubricant or oil from tiles:

  1. Shake HG natural stone oil and grease absorber. Pour it undiluted on the surface that requires treatment.
  2. For moderate stains, dilute to a maximum of 1:5. Preferably with warm water. 
  3. Scrub and leave to absorb for 5 to 10 minutes. Then rinse with plenty of water.

How to remove old oil stains from the driveway with 3 household products

HG natural stone oil and grease absorber is effective and safe for removing oil stains from the drive or other stone surfaces and of course for removing grease stains from concrete. There are alternative methods for removing oil stains from the drive. They generally work less well, but may be worth a try. Most of these tips are intended to be used quickly to limit the damage.

1. Removing an oil stain from the drive with cat litter 
Do you have a cat? You will have cat litter around. They can help to remove a fresh oil stain from tiles. If you quickly throw cat litter on the stain, it will help to absorb the stain. Leave the litter to absorb for at least 30 minutes. The stain is still there? Repeat the process. Often the stain has penetrated too deep to be removed with cat litter.

2. Remove an oil stain from concrete with baking soda
Baking soda can also absorb grease and oil. Dab up as much of the stain as possible with paper. Then remove the paper and sprinkle baking soda on the oil. Leave to absorb for 30 minutes. Then you can vacuum it up. Repeat if necessary.

3. Remove oil stains from tiles with salt and soda
Sprinkle the soda granules and the salt on the stain. Add some water to produce a paste. Leave to absorb overnight and the next day pour boiling hot water on top. With a bit of hard scrubbing you can remove the oil from the tiles.

If these tips don't work? If you have tiles or cobblestones, you can replace the affected tiles. Or use HG natural stone oil and grease absorber.

Prevent having to remove grease from tiles.

remove oil stains from the drivewayPlaces that are lived in end up with stains. It's difficult to prevent them completely. There are a few simple ways to prevent you from having to remove oil stains from tiles. For example, put a newspaper under the barbecue or the moped or the car when you work on them. There are also professional products to protect tiles against oil leaks and grease stains.



Frequently Asked Questions about how to remove oil stains from concrete

How to get oil stains out of concrete?

You can remove oil stains from tiles, stone and concrete with: 

  • Cat litter
  • Baking soda
  • Salt and soda

With these products you need to act quickly.

How can I prevent an oil stain?

It is difficult to prevent oil stains. During barbecuing or DIY jobs, you can put newspaper on the stones. There are also professional products to protect tiles against oil and grease.

Which HG product do I use to remove oil stains from tiles?

With HG natural stone oil and grease absorber you can remove oil stains from cobblestones, concrete, cement, bricks, gravel tiles, quarry tiles and all other stone types.

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