How to remove graffiti 4 tips for cleaning your facade

For some graffiti is an art form and for, others it is a form of vandalism.
Removing graffiti is a job you can do yourself. There are various methods to get your wall completely clean again. In this, article we share 3 tips and HG’s solution for removing graffiti. 

3 tips for removing graffiti from your facade

You can remove graffiti in various ways. It is important that you check which method is best to apply. It is important that you remove the graffiti as quickly as possible. Various tips are shared on the internet. HG randomly selected 3 tips for cleaning your facade. However, these tips are not a guarantee for success. Do you want to be certain that the graffiti will disappear? Try HG graffiti remover

remove graffiti1. Steam cleaning

Steam of 150 degrees C will clean the facade. The high pressure and the heat of the steam ensure the graffiti will loosen and dissolve. Calmly go over the graffiti with the steam cleaner. This is generally considered to be the best and the easiest method. However, it doesn't work every time. Particularly when several layers of graffiti have been sprayed. 

2. Compressed air and baking powder 

You can remove graffiti yourself with a combination of baking powder and compressed air. This method is friendlier for the surface the graffiti is on, but as a result not always as efficient. Apply the baking powder to the surface and spray it off with compressed air. In many cases the graffiti will come off. 

3. Sand blasting 

Sand blasting is the most aggressive way of removing graffiti. A blasting agent, such as sand or fine gravel, is added to water. You use this with a high-pressure jet and spray the graffiti from the wall. This method is effective, but we do not recommend it because it damages your wall.

Remove graffiti effectively with HG graffiti remover

remove graffiti from brickThe way to remove graffiti from brick effectively and without damage is by using HG graffiti remover. The remover removes graffiti from brick, concrete and untreated wood. The graffiti remover can be used on vulnerable surfaces, such as varnish, paint, and plastic, and on smooth surfaces, such as glass, metal, plexiglass, marble, granite, fibre cement, etc. It also removes graffiti from brick, concrete and untreated wood. The product is biodegradable and free from volatile solvents. 

How do you use HG graffiti remover?
For the best results with HG graffiti remover, you complete the following steps:

  1. First apply the graffiti remover to a small area to test the impact on the surface.
  2. Apply HG graffiti remover with a brush or a clean cloth.
  3. For sensitive surfaces, leave the product to work no more than 2 minutes, because otherwise the surface could become dull.
  4. Rinse the surface properly with warm water.
  5. On less sensitive surfaces, such as concrete and stone, HG graffiti remover can be left to work for 24 hours. Always use a brush to scrub areas with a coarse texture. Then spray with lukewarm water, and on harder surfaces you could do this with high pressure. Repeat the treatment if necessary.

Remove future graffiti with an anti-graffiti coating

You hope that once the graffiti has been removed it does not return. There is no guarantee.
After you have removed the graffiti, you can spray anti-graffiti coating on your facade. That makes future graffiti easier to remove.

Frequently Asked Questions about how to remove graffiti from brick.

How do I remove graffiti from my facade?

There are various ways you can remove graffiti from your facade: 

  1. Steam cleaning 
  2. With compressed air and baking powder 
  3. Sand blasting 
  4. With HG graffiti remover

What can I do to make future graffiti easier to remove?

Use anti-graffiti coating.

Which HG product do I use to remove graffiti from my facade?

HG graffiti remover removes graffiti from brick, concrete and untreated wood.

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