How to clean rings? Some useful tips to clean rings

To enjoy a silver or gold ring as long as possible, cleaning a ring regularly is very important. The best way to clean your ring depends on the type of ‘tarnish’ that is on it. If you know what it is, it is really easy to select the right cleaning method. We would like to tell you how to clean silver rings and how to clean an engagement ring.

What type of tarnish is there on your ring?

how to clean ringsTo know the best way to clean a tarnished silver ring, it is important to know what type of tarnish there is. Generally there are two types of tarnish:

1. Normal tarnish
A ring is worn on the skin. That produces dirt from skin oils, cream or make-up. In turn that produces greasy spots on your ring or it starts to look dull. Gems may lose their original sparkle too.

2. Material discolours
It may be that the material of your ring has discoloured. That is known as oxidation. This happens frequently, because the material reacts with the substances on your skin, perspiration or perfume. 

Silver rings will turn black. Yellow-gold and rose-gold rings become darker bit by bit. White-gold rings start to get a yellowy sheen. It is all tarnish you can polish off your gold or silver ring. 

Cleaning rings at home with HG

Would you like to clean your ring because it became dirty or lost its sparkle? Is it a silver ring? In that case, HG silver polish cloth is the solution. HG silver polish cloth restores the shine to silver or silver-plated objects and jewellery. With our HG silver polish cloth, silver objects look like new again. 

Complete the following steps to polish your silver ring with HG silver polish cloth:

  1. Rub the ring with the HG silver polish cloth until the sparkle reappears. 
  2. If the oxidation is difficult to remove? Moisten a tip of the cloth and use that to remove the tarnish on your silver ring. 

The good thing about the HG silver polish cloth is that this cloth retains its power until it is completely worn.

How to clean a diamond ring with HG

Do you need to clean a golden diamond ring? Then you can use the HG gold polish cloth. This can be used in the same way as the HG silver polish cloth, but on gold jewellery and objects.

Alternative tips for cleaning silver rings

laminate floor careA silver ring can become black or green over time, because the ring comes into contact with sulphur in the air. It is essential to polish your silver ring regularly. 

The best way to clean a diamond ring or any other silver ring is with the HG silver polish cloth. There are also alternative ways to polish your ring. However, we cannot guarantee that these tips and cleaning products work. So, you do use these tips completely at your own risk.

How to clean a silver ring at home with toothpaste:
If you want to clean your ring with toothpaste, make sure you use a soft toothbrush. Then rub your ring dry with a dry cloth.

How to clean a wedding ring with salt and hot water:
Fill a tray with hot water (60 degrees) and some salt. Wrap your ring in foil and put it in the tray with water. Leave to stand overnight. The next morning you remove your ring from the tray, remove the foil and rub the ring with a soft cloth.

How to clean your engagement ring? Here are some alternative tips:

As we said, cleaning a gold or silver ring with HG gold polish cloth is the best way. However, there are alternative methods for cleaning a ring. 

  • How to clean a diamond ring at home with washing-up liquid/soft household soap?
    This is really easy. All you need is some warm water and a few drops of washing-up liquid/soft household soap. Leave your ring to soak in the mixture for fifteen minutes and use a soft brush to clean the ring carefully. Then rinse it off and dry it with a soft cloth. 
  • Mixture of soap and ammonia
    Is there a bit more tarnish on your ring? Make a mixture of soap and water and add a few drops of ammonia. Use a soft brush and rinse the ring properly with lukewarm water. Leave to dry in the air.

Never use tissues or kitchen roll to clean your ring, because they can cause damage.

Tips: prevention is better than cure

To enjoy the beautiful sparkle of a new ring as long as possible, it is better to prevent having to clean the ring. We list a few tips that help to prevent having to clean/polish your gold or silver ring.

Take your ring off when it could be damaged
Sometimes you're about to do something that could really damage your ring. For example, gardening, DIY or moving house. It is better to take your ring off. 

how to clean an engagement ringTake your ring off when you play sports
Metal on metal produces scratches. When you make an effort, there is pressure on the ring, and it could bend.

Take it off during swimming or in the sauna
If you go swimming and/or to a sauna, the water or the warmth of the sauna could cause you to lose your ring because your fingers become thinner. If your ring has gems, be extra careful because not all gems can resist seawater or chlorine.

If you have splendid tips for cleaning a ring, please let us know!

Frequently Asked Questions about how to clean your ring at home

How do I clean a silver ring?

You can clean a silver ring with:

  • Silver polish
  • Toothpaste
  • Salt and hot water

How do I clean a gold ring?

You can clean a gold ring with:

  • Washing-up liquid
  • Soft household soap
  • Water and soap with ammonia

How to clean a wedding ring?

The best way to clean your wedding ring is to add a little washing-up liquid to warm water. Leave your ring to soak around forty minutes and then polish with a soft toothbrush. If required, you can repeat the process.

Which HG product do I use to clean a ring?

The HG product you use to clean your ring depends on the material of your ring. If you have a silver ring, it is best to clean your ring with an HG silver polish cloth. For a gold ring, you use an HG gold polish cloth.

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