How to clean copper pans | How to clean copper coins and other copper pieces with our 5 tips

Copper has a beautiful red golden shine and look. No wonder it is popular for jewellery and decorative objects. Pots and pans are often made of copper too. Unfortunately, copper can become dull. That's a real shame, because such precious objects should sparkle. We have some simple and safe tips on how to polish copper. Your copper will sparkle in no time.

Why should you clean copper?

Copper becomes dull because of sulphur, which is in the air. It oxidises copper. The exposure to oxygen in the air may cause black stains. So you need to polish your copper regularly. Particularly as over time, copper can only be polished to remove the stains. You polish too often? It can reduce the value of the copper. You cannot use just any product to clean copper. Fortunately, we have found a number of safe ways for polishing copper and returning the shine to your copper objects, and making them look like new.

The best way to clean copper with HG

how to clean copperCopper is a precious object. HG has a series of products for cleaning brass and copper. Cleaning copper has never been easier. We have products for regular cleaning of copper. But also products that clean more thoroughly and products that prevent copper from becoming dull too quickly. That way you need to polish the copper less often.

Cleaning and polishing copper with the HG copper polish cloth

Use our HG copper polish cloth for polishing copper regularly. This impregnated soft cloth is made specifically for cleaning red and yellow copper quickly and regularly. The objects keep their beautiful colour and their shine.

How to clean badly tarnished copper with HG copper cleaner

You have tarnished copper? Clean heavy tarnish off copper with HG copper cleaner. It makes it easy to remove dirt and stains from copper. Cleaning copper items with HG copper cleaner returns the copper shine and colour.

Prevent regular copper cleaning with HG silver and copper protector

Of course it would be better not to polish copper. In that case treat copper with HG silver and copper protector after you polished the copper. This produces an invisible protective coating you cannot feel. It protects the copper against dirt and oxidation.

How do you clean copper: 5 tips

With HG you are certain that you clean your copper safely. There are other alternatives if you prefer trying something else first to clean your copper. Remember! We cannot guarantee that they work. Also, be careful with your copper objects.

1. Cleaning copper with vinegar and salt

You can polish copper with vinegar and salt. Make a smooth paste of equal parts salt and vinegar in a bowl. Use a dish cloth or kitchen roll and cover it in paste. Now you can polish copper with salt and vinegar. Rub away the dark stains. Repeat this as often as necessary, but use a clean cloth if the other one has become dirty. Use a toothbrush to clean any dents. Rinse off the paste and leave the copper to dry. 

2. Polish copper with baking soda

It is really simple to polish copper with baking soda. Pour 200 ml of hot water in a bowl and add two spoonfuls of soda. For larger objects you can use a little more water and soda. Leave the copper to soak in the mixture for 5 to 10 minutes. Remove the soda by rinsing off the copper under cold water. Then dry it off with a clean towel or kitchen roll.

3. How to clean copper with lemonhow to clean copper pans

Halve the lemon to polish your copper with lemon. Keep both halves. Cover one of the halves in salt. Make sure it is a thin layer. Alternatively, mix the salt with a little lemon juice to make a paste. Now polish your copper with the lemon. Polish lightly. When necessary, dip the lemon in the salt again. When one half has dried out, take the other half. After polishing, rinse the object with warm water and dry it all off with a soft and clean cloth.

4. Polish copper with ketchup

Another way of polishing copper is to use ketchup. Add some ketchup to a clean dish cloth or kitchen roll. Stains on the copper are dissolved by the acid in the ketchup. Sprinkle some salt on the ketchup to clean the copper. Rub hard on the stains to polish the copper. Use more ketchup and salt if needed, or if you have larger objects. How to clean heavy tarnish off copper? Leave the ketchup to absorb for 30 minutes. Rinse off all the ketchup. Use a toothbrush if the ketchup is sticky. Then dry the copper properly. 

5. Polish copper with descaler

Some people recommend polishing copper with a descaler. Be careful. Brush the descaler on the copper. Now you can polish your copper with descaler. Use a clean cloth to rub in the descaler. 

If the above methods don’t help, use HG's products.

What is best to avoid for cleaning copper?

Internet also has tips that are actually not that good for copper. Not so much that they damage your copper immediately, but don't use the following methods too often. You use them at your risk.

1. Polish copper with mineral wool

It really is not a good idea to polish copper with mineral wool. Nor with a scouring agent or sand paper. They can all damage the copper. 

2. Cleaning copper with turpentine

Turps is not harmful to copper as far as we know, but it is an aggressive product. It is often used to clean copper coins and to return them to a mint condition. You can mix it with alcohol and brush it on the copper object. But this is at your risk.

3. Polish copper with aluminium foil

Aluminium foil is often used for silver. Some people use it for copper too. If you want to polish your copper with aluminium foil? Make a dish of aluminium foil. Put the copper inside and add soda and hot water. This method too is completely at your risk.

If you have a good tip for polishing copper, please let us know!

Frequently Asked Questions about cleaning brass and copper

Why does copper become dull?

Copper becomes dull because of sulphur in the air. Oxygen produces oxidation and stains.

How to clean copper pans?

You can polish copper with the following products. Be careful!

  • salt and vinegar
  • baking soda
  • lemon
  • ketchup
  • descaler

What should I watch out for when I clean copper?

There are other ways of cleaning copper. They are completely at your own risk or not recommended at all:

  • rockwool
  • turpentine
  • aluminium foil

Which HG product do I use to polish copper?

HG has several products for cleaning copper:

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