How to remove bugs from a car: convenient tips from HG

Nothing is worse than insects that cover your car after a long journey. In the summer in particular, your car can be covered in flies, mosquitoes and other insects. Fortunately, there are various ways to remove insects from the paintwork or the windscreens. Here you have some convenient tips for how to remove bugs from a car without damaging the paint and to prevent them from getting onto your car.

Which time of the year do you have to remove insects from a car?

Insects seem to be attracted to cars, particularly on warm summer days when it's bug season. When you drive through wooded areas, you are guaranteed to have to remove dead flies from your car afterwards. If you passed through areas with lots of water, you will have to deal with mosquitoes of course. When your car is parked, insects can fly against it. Particularly if you are parked near flowering plants or trees. Insects are a nuisance, but also difficult to remove from a car. They contain certain acids and enzymes that ensure they stick. Worse still, they can damage your car paint if you do not remove those nasty flies from the car.

Safe and quick way to remove insects from car paint with HG

Do you want to know the best way to remove bugs from a car? HG car insect remover soaks away caked-on and dried-in insects quickly, which means they come away from the paint, bumper or windscreen more easily. With our car insect remover, it is even quick and safe to remove insects from the paintwork. Unmissable in the summer, particularly if you live in a wooded area.

Remove flies from a car with alternative cleaning products

HG car insect remover is the most effective and safe way to remove dead flies from a car. However, there are alternative products you can try too. Remember: we cannot guarantee that all these products are effective. Test DIY products first in an inconspicuous place to check they do not damage the paint. You use them at your own risk.

  1. Remove bugs from the car with car shampoo
    A good car shampoo, such as our HG car cleaner and protector, can also help to remove insects. This is a powerful car shampoo that works well when the insects have not yet dried in completely. For stubborn insects, it is better to use HG car insect remover.
  2. Remove flies from the car with vinegar
    You can prepare your own insect remover by mixing water and white vinegar. Mix equal parts of water and vinegar and spray it on the insect remains. Leave to work and then wipe clean carefully.
  3. Remove insects from the car with cola
    Cola can also be effective in removing insects from your car. That is because of the acidity of cola. Pour some cola on a cloth and carefully rub the affected areas. The acidic properties of cola help to soak off the insect remains.
  4. Remove flies from the car with hot water
    Carefully pour hot water over the insect remains and leave to absorb for a while. Then use a soft cloth or sponge to wipe away the remains. Make sure the water is not too hot to prevent damage to the paintwork.
  5. Remove insects from a car with an apple
    It may sound odd, but an apple contains acids and enzymes that could help. Cut an apple in slices and rub them on the insect remains. The natural enzymes in the apple may help to dissolve the insects. Then wipe off the remains with a soft cloth.

Prevent having to remove insects from a car

It is not possible to prevent insects on a car completely. Particularly not whilst you drive. There are tips to prevent having to remove flies from your bumper or hood. We would like to share a few.

  • Use a car cover
    If you use a cover on your car, insects cannot fly against your car whilst it's parked. Particularly useful if you cannot park indoors and you live in an area with lots of insects.
  • Treat your car with a good wax
    A good wax can prevent insects from sticking to your car. It will make the insects much easier to remove from the car at any rate.
  • Prevent stopping near flowering plants
    Insects are often attracted by flowering plants and trees. So, try to avoid parking your car near areas with lots of flowers and trees for long periods of time.

If you have a good tip for how to clean bugs off a car, please let us know!

Frequently Asked Questions about how to remove bugs from the front of a car

Why do I have to remove bugs and flies or other insects from a car?

Insects contain certain acids and enzymes that mean they can stick to paint and damage it.

How do I remove flies from a car?

You can remove flies and other insects from a car with the following products:

  • Car shampoo
  • Vinegar
  • Hot water
  • Apple
  • Cola

Which HG product do I use to remove insects from car paint?

You remove insects from a car safely with HG car insect remover. It soaks caked-on and dried-out insects from your car and they come off easily.

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