How to get chewing gum off clothes and carpet? Tips to remove chewing gum

Cleaning chewing gum is not an easy task. Chewing gum is of course very sticky and it can at first glance seem an almost impossible task to remove it from clothes, upholstery or carpet. Sometimes it is so sticky it seems to have become part of the jeans, carpet or car seat upholstery. Fortunately there are all kinds of ways to remove chewing gum from these and other surfaces.

Tips on how to get chewing gum off clothes and carpet

how to remove chewing gum from carpetWe have collected a few of the best household remedies for removing chewing gum from clothes that we found on various websites and blogs. From peanut butter to lighter fluid!

3 ways to remove chewing gum

In addition to the effective HG chewing gum remover there are, according to other websites, other ways to remove chewing gum from clothes.

1. Peanut butter
Peanut butter seems to be a good way to remove small bits of chewing gum from clothes. Smear some peanut butter on the chewing gum and wash the article of clothing at approximately 40 degrees. Since you wash the clothing immediately, there should be no oil stains from the peanut butter. 

how to remove chewing gum from clothes

2. Benzine 
Benzine is also an option for removing chewing gum from clothes, jeans, carpet, etc. Dampen a paper towel with benzine. Rub carefully over the chewing gum and it will gradually come loose. 

3. Lighter fluid
Use lighter fluid for cleaning chewing gum. Lighter fluid will eventually harden the chewing gum so that you can scrape it off.

Unfortunately, these household remedies do not always work. And there is still always a chance that peanut butter will leave stains and lighter fluid has a horrible smell. So try HG chewing gum remover, developed specifically for this purpose.

Remove chewing gum from clothes with HG

Remove chewing gum from various surfaces quickly with HG chewing gum remover! This chewing gum remover completely freezes the chewing gum so that it hardens completely. When frozen, you can easily remove chewing gum from clothes, car upholstery or carpet.

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HG chewing gum remover

HG chewing gum remover

  • Makes chewing gum removable by freezing it

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