How to get grease out of clothes | removing grease from all surfaces

Do you need to know how to remove grease stains from clothes or the wooden kitchen table? It seems like an impossible task. Water and grease repel one another, so washing or a little water and soap do not achieve the result you’re looking for. Fortunately there are all sorts of ways in which you can remove grease and grease stains on clothes effectively. Further on we share some useful tips!

2 tips for preventing grease stains

how to get grease out of clothes First of all, try to clean objects that become greasy on a regular basis. It reduces the chance of accidental grease stains on your clothes. The kitchen and garage are places where you need to be particularly careful. You can also impregnate leather or fabrics and protect untreated wooden furniture so grease stains don't have a chance. 

1. Treat textiles with an impregnator
Treat textiles with an impregnator, such as HG 4-in-1 protector for textiles. This product protects textiles easily, but extremely effectively, against stains. 

2. Treat leather with an impregnator
For leather, HG also has a special impregnator that prevents grease stains. HG 4-in-1 protector for leather makes sure that grease cannot penetrate the leather. 

How to remove grease stains effectively

A grease remover works best when you need to remove grease stains from clothes or other surfaces, particularly when the stains are old. HG has a range of products that are all suitable for grease stain removal from specific surfaces. According to various websites and other blogs you can try to remove fresh grease stains with washing-up liquid, petrol or milk. Read more about this later.

3 products for grease stain removal

how to remove grease stainsBesides using HG's effective solutions, there are various websites that quote alternative products you can try to remove grease from clothes.

  1. Washing-up liquid
    Take a cloth and put a little washing-up liquid on it. Rub the cloth on the grease stains and leave to dry.

  2. Solvent
    Moisten the stain with a little solvent. Then wash the fabrics at a normal temperature.

  3. Milk
    Leave the milk to absorb into the clothing and then put the garment in the washing machine. 

If this proves to be ineffective, try the HG solutions that have been developed especially to remove grease stains from clothes.

HG’s solutions for removing grease stains

Remove grease stains from clothes
HG has developed a number of different products to remove grease stains from clothes. HG stain away no. 1 removes ketchup stains for example. HG stain away no. 2 removes stains caused by grease, oil or shoe polish Candle wax is best removed from fabrics with HG stain away no. 3. If the grease stains were caused by gravy or sauce, they can be removed with HG stain away no. 4

Remove grease stains from all types of kitchen surfaces
HG grease away
 is a safe product for removing edible oils, but also animal and vegetable fat from stainless steel, galvanised, enamelled and aluminium surfaces. This product is also suitable for grease stain removal from ceramic tiles or synthetic materials. In other words, it is ideal for the kitchen! 

Remove grease stains from porous stony surfaces
We also have HG natural stone oil and grease absorber. This product removes nearly all types of grease and oil stains from porous stony surfaces. For example flagstone, terracotta, marble, lime-sandstone and other natural-stone types, as well as cement or concrete floors.

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