How to remove grass stains | How to get grass stains out of jeans with 5 tips

In spring and summer we love to be outdoors. A picnic in the park or just spending time in your own garden. Playing football with the kids. Reading a book somewhere on the lawn. Unfortunately, you end up with a grass stain on your clothes before you know it. These green stains can be a real problem. We provide a few convenient tips that help you to remove those stubborn grass stains effectively.

Why is it so difficult to remove grass stains from clothes?

how to remove grass stainsGrass contains chlorophyll, which is a really useful substance. It helps plants to convert sunlight into oxygen. We see chlorophyll as green, because it absorbs red and blue and reflects the colour green to us. That makes it a natural dye. As with all other dyes, they are easier to remove when they are fresh. Once they are dried in, they can really colour a fabric. That is why it can be difficult to remove old grass stains from clothes.

Remove stubborn grass stains effectively with HG

Do you need to remove those difficult grass stains from clothes? Use HG stain away 5 This product has been developed specifically for removing stubborn grass stains from clothes. This stain remover can remove stains that were caused by difficult dyes. Nothing is more effective for removing grass stains from clothes than HG stain away 5. Even removing old grass stains from clothes is not a problem with HG stain away 5. You could also use HG laundry booster for stubborn stain removal OXI enhanced and apply it to the stain before you wash the garment.

How to remove grass stains from shoes and other clothes with 4 alternative products

HG stain away 5 is the best grass stain remover. Would you like to try something else first? Sometimes it is possible to remove a grass stain from clothes with the tips below. However, we cannot guarantee the result. You use them at your own risk.

  1. Remove grass stains from clothes with soft household soap or washing-up liquid
    Soft household soap and washing-up liquid are grease removers first and foremost. However, if you're quick they can also help with grass stains on clothes. Scrub the grass stain properly with soft household soap. Then wash the garment with the normal programme.
  2. Remove grass stains with alcohol
    Alcohol can also help if you have grass stains in fabrics. Dab the grass stain with pure alcohol. If you don't have it at home, you can try eau de cologne and then wash the garment. Preferably with a spoonful of oxygen bleach. Or HG laundry booster for stubborn stain removal OXI enhanced to enhance the power even more.
  3. Remove grass stains from clothes with cleaning vinegar
    You can try vinegar as pretreatment. Apply cleaning vinegar directly to the stain with a sponge. Or leave the garment to soak a few hours in a bucket with cleaning vinegar. Then wash the garment in the normal way.

Bonus tips on how to get grass stains out of clothing

Sometimes it seems even more difficult to deal with grass stains on jeans. This tough fabric is difficult to scrub. However, you can usually wash it at 60 degrees. Always read the care label first to see if you can wash your jeans at that temperature. If so, you can use the following tips:

how to get grass stains out of jeans

  1. Remove grass stains from jeans with butter
    Spread butter on the stain. The butyric acid can dissolve the grass stain. However, you have to be sure that you can wash the jeans at 60 degrees because otherwise the butter will produce a grease stain. Rub the stain hard with butter and leave it to absorb for an hour. Then wash it at 60 degrees at least.
  2. Remove grass stains from jeans with a potato
    Another unusual method: a potato. Halve the potato and rub it on the grass stain. The starch adheres to the stain and is then washed away in the washing machine.

Remove grass stains from other fabrics

Did you get a grass stain on other fabrics? For example on a settee, outdoor cushions, rug or carpet? Use HG stain remover extra strong. You can treat your rug or carpet with HG carpet cleaner afterwards. 

If you have a good tip for how to get grass stains out of clothing, please let us know!

Frequently Asked Questions about how to remove grass stains

Why are grass stains in clothes difficult?

Grass contains chlorophyll, which works as a dye. When it absorbs into the clothes, it can produce a nasty green stain.

How do you remove grass stains from clothes?

HG stain away 5 is most effective for grass stains in clothes. You can also rub the stain with the following products, but you do need to wash the garment afterwards.

  • Soft household soap or washing-up liquid
  • Alcohol
  • Cleaning vinegar

How do you remove grass stains from jeans?

You can usually wash jeans at a higher temperature. Check the care label first. If you can wash the jeans at 60 degrees at least, you can try rubbing the stain with butter and leaving it for an hour before washing the jeans. You can also cut a potato in half and rub it over the jeans before you wash them.

How do I remove grass stains from other fabrics?

Do you have a grass stain on your settee, cushion, rug or carpet? Use HG stain remover extra strong.

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