HG stain away no. 5 For make-up, grass and pollen stain removal from clothes
HG stain away no. 5 is thé product for marker pen removal from clothes and also removes stains in fabrics caused by make-up, grass, pollen and chewing gum, but also mascara, watercolour paint, soil, clay, building sand and gravel. HG stain away no. 5 is one of our 7 special HG stain removal products.
- Effective make-up & grass stain remover for clothes
- Make-up, grass, pollen, marker pens, chewing gum stain removal from clothes
Do you have a product with a different label? That is possible, because we changed all our labels!
All our products still have the same tried and trusted effect. The directions have not changed either. Click on the magnifying glass for the old packaging. If you would like to know more? Click here.