How to get sweat smell out of clothes | Tips for removing sweat smell from clothes

After washing your favourite shirt several times, you think you have finally gotten the sweat smell out. Unfortunately, after ironing or wearing your shirt again for a short time, the sweat smell is back. Despite washing it several times, the smell is still there and you ask yourself: why? In this article we will explain why and give you a few tips on how to get this sweat smell out of clothes and keep it out.

Why do my clothes smell like BO after washing?

how to get sweat smell out of clothes

It’s not uncommon for your clothing to soak up sweat, whether it’s due to warm weather or exercise. However, sweat doesn’t always cause odours. When you cool down and the sweat and your clothing dries, butyric acid remains. This becomes more active and starts to smell when it is warm, like when you wear or iron the clothing.

The butyric acid can continue to produce molecules that smell. If it isn’t completely removed when washed, the clothing can continue to smell.

When you remove sweaty or wet clothing, you should avoid putting it into your washing basket or hamper right away. To remove body odour from your clothes, they need air to dry out fully first. If they are put into an enclosed space when damp, the odour can’t escape and can remain even after being washed.

How to remove the sweat smell from your clothes with HG

The most effective way you can get BO out of your clothes is by using a specially formulated product like HG laundry booster against odours in sportswear

HG can effectively remove sweat molecules and perspiration that can reach deep into the fibres of your clothing and towels. Most detergents clean your clothing and remove stains. However, not all of them completely get the smell of sweat out of clothes, like sportswear and other fabric.

4 tips to prevent sweat smells in clothes

Of course you would prefer to prevent sweat smells in your clothing. Be sure to clean your washing machine regularly so no bacteria remain. And we recommend the following if you sweat quickly and profusely. 

1. Wash your armpits regularly
If you sweat profusely, we recommend washing your armpits at least once a day. This way you remove bacteria that cause the sweat smell and you prevent the smell of sweat getting in your clothes.

2. Change your clothes daily
Even if it doesn’t feel like it, the chances are you sweat daily. You should change your clothes daily and wash them often. Trying to cover BO with deodorant won’t do the trick. This way you can prevent butyric acid from building up in your clothing and wear fresh, odour-free clothing everyday.

Your clothing can also smell due to odours in your washing machine. You can also see our tips on how to get rid of washing machine smells.

3. Use antiperspirant
If you really have a problem with sweat smells in your clothes, we recommend using an antiperspirant deodorant instead of regular deodorant. Antiperspirants contain substances that inhibit the sweat glands so there will be less perspiration (and therefore less butyric acid) in your clothes. 

4. Don’t leave damp clothes in your washing machine or basket
As mentioned, you should avoid leaving damp clothing in an enclosed space, like a washing machine or basket. This way they can’t dry and air out, and the odour builds up and gets worse.

2 tips on how to get sweat smell out of clothes

You can try vinegar and soda to remove sweat smell in textiles as well as prevent them.

remove sweat smell from clothing1. Soda
Leave the garment to soak in soda and water for at least an hour and then wash it in the washing machine. The various websites do give some contradicting advice: some say “minimum one hour”, others say “overnight” in soda. In any case, be careful with coloured laundry as soda can cause discolouration.  Soda will also damage silk and wool. 

2. Vinegar
Do not let the smell of vinegar scare you! Soak your sweaty clothes in a bucket with vinegar before washing. Make sure the garment is completely submerged and let it soak for at least an hour (overnight is even better) and then wash it in the washing machine. 

Have you tried the tips above on how to get sweat smell out of clothes and was it too much work or it did not have the desired effect? Then try the HG solutions developed especially for removing sweat smell from clothing and other textiles.

Although these tips can be effective, they’re also time-consuming and can affect your clothing. To remove the sweat smell from clothes instantly, you can try using HG laundry booster against odours in sportswear.

Do you have a good tip on how to get rid of the sweat smell in your clothes? Let us know! You can also see our tips on how to get rid of sweat stains.

Frequently asked questions on how to remove sweat smell from clothes

How to remove underarm odour from clothes without washing them?

It’s difficult to remove sweat smells from your clothes without washing them. You can cover them temporarily with deodorant, however this will wear away. Soaking them in baking soda, lemon or vinegar can also help to rid odours, however, the most effective way is by using a specially formulated product like HG laundry booster against odours in sportswear.

Why do the armpits of my shirts smell after washing?

As your armpits sweat more than other parts of your body, the armpits of your clothing collect more bacteria that can cause body odours. Some washing detergents clean your clothing, but don’t completely get rid of this bacteria. However, HG laundry booster against odours in sportswear can rid all fabrics of BO, including sportswear and towels.

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HG laundry booster against odours in sportswear

  • Efficiently removes nasty smells

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