How to remove a tomato sauce stain | Remove tomato sauce stains with these tips

Tomato stains are stubborn. Tomatoes contain tannin. That makes it very difficult to remove tomato stains. Whether it is tomato sauce, tomato soup or tomato juice. Getting tomato sauce out of white clothes is no fun at all. Same as for dried-in tomato stains. A little mishap when you eat soup or pasta is easily done. Fortunately there are good tips for removing tomato stains. We give a few to get those troublesome tomato stains out of clothes. That favourite shirt will soon be clean.

It is easy to remove all types of tomato stains with HG

how to remove a tomato sauce stainYou need to remove nasty tomato stains from clothes? HG stain away no. 4 removes all types of sauce stains from fabrics. Whether it is tomato sauce or tomato soup from clothes or just a tomato stain. With HG stain away no. 4 it is quick and easy to remove all sorts of tomato stains. How to remove tomato sauce stains from a white shirt? It is not a problem with HG stain away no. 4.

Complete the following steps to use HG stain away no. 4 to remove tomato stains:

  1. Try this product in an inconspicuous place first.
  2. Remove the residues of the stain as much as possible.
  3. Dissolve HG stain away no. 4 in 1 litre of water.
  4. Submerge the part of the fabric with the stain in the solution. Leave to soak for 30 minutes. Remember the care label of the fabric.
  5. Rinse it thoroughly with warm water.

Remove tomato sauce stains: what should you not do?

Do you have a tomato stain? There are few things you should absolutely not do:

  • Be quick, but don't rub on the stain. It only makes it penetrate deeper. Carefully remove as much as possible of the residues with a spoon.
  • The stain is still there? Do not put the clothes in the dryer. Only put the garment in the tumble-dryer when the stain has gone completely.

Remove tomato sauce stains with alternative products

With HG stain away no. 4 removing tomato stains is a piece of cake. There are other products for removing tomato sauce from clothes. We would like to share 3. We cannot guarantee they work and you use these tips at your own risk.

1. Remove tomato stain from clothes with toothpaste

All you need to do is brush some toothpaste on the stain with an old toothbrush. Then rinse it thoroughly with cold water. Wash the garment normally in the washing machine to remove the tomato stain.

2. Remove tomato sauce stains with washing-up liquidhow to remove tomato stains

Apply washing-up liquid to the stain. Use an old toothbrush. Rinse the garment under cold water before you wash it normally.

3. Tomato stain from clothes with ox-gall soap

Apply ox-gall soap to the stain and rub it in. Then wash it immediately in the washing machine at 40 degrees.

How do you remove tomato sauce stains from clothes with alternative products

It is easy to remove even dried-in tomato stains with HG stain away no. 4. There are alternatives. They are often aggressive products. Whether you should use them depends on the fabric and the colour. You can use the following tips at your own risk:

1. Remove tomato stains from cotton clothes with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is suitable for removing dried-in tomato stains from cotton. Be careful! This is an aggressive product. Make a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the tomato sauce stain. Leave it for approximately 10 minutes. Rinse the garment and then wash it in accordance with the care label.

2. Remove tomato stains from woollen clothing with lemon juice

You can remove dried-in tomato stains from wool with lemon juice. Sprinkle a little salt on the stain first and rub it in carefully. Then use cotton wool to apply lemon juice to the stain. Then rinse it thoroughly with cold water.

3. Remove tomato stains from synthetic clothes with white vinegar

White vinegar can be used to remove dried-in tomato stains from synthetic clothes. First dilute a few drops of vinegar in a glass of water. Apply this to the tomato stain and rub it in carefully. Then rinse with cold water and wash the garment normally. 

If you have a good tip for tomato stain removal from clothing, please let us know!

Frequently Asked Questions on how to get tomato stains out of clothes

How do I get tomato sauce out of clothes?

You can remove tomato sauce stains with: 

  • Toothpaste
  • Washing-up liquid
  • Ox-gall soap

How do I get tomato stains out?

You can remove dried-in tomato stains with: 

  • Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide from cotton clothes
  • Lemon juice for woollen clothes
  • White vinegar for synthetic clothes

Which HG product do I use to remove tomato sauce stains from clothes?

HG stain away no. 4 removes stains from fabrics caused by all types of foods, including tomato sauce.

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