Remove stains from clothes | We provide tips on how to get stains out of clothes!

Your clothes can become stained in various ways. Fortunately, there is way to remove pretty much any stain from your clothes. If you do end up with a stubborn stain in a beautiful garment, you want to remove it as quickly as possible. In this article we provide tips on how to remove the most common stains from your clothes. 

Remove blood stains from your clothes

f you have a blood stain on your clothes, it is essential to act as quickly as possible. For these types of stains it is essential that you rinse the garment with cold water as quickly as possible. If you act quickly, you can prevent it from drying in. Cold water, because warm water changes the structure of the blood. If you don't manage to remove the stains from you clothes, choose HG stain away no. 4 or use one of the following DIY tips:

  1. Milk
  2. Shampoo
  3. A mix of table salt and water

How you should use the DIY tips or the HG stain away no. 4, you can read in the article ‘Remove blood stains | How do you remove blood stains from clothes?’

Remove tomato stains from clothes

Remove tomato stains from clothes
Tomato stains are stubborn. Tomatoes contain tannin, and this substance makes it difficult to remove these stains. Getting tomato sauce out of white clothes is particularly difficult. You can remove tomato stains from your clothes in a number of different ways:

  • With HG stain away no. 4 it is quick and safe to remove all sorts of tomato stains.
  • With an old toothbrush and some toothpaste.
  • By applying washing-up liquid to the stain.
  • By treating the stain with ox-gall soap.

Do you have rust stains on your clothes?

Rust stains are a problem and really look bad. If you want to start by using an HG product, HG stain away no. 7 is the one you need. HG stain away no. 7 is the ultimate product for removing rust stains from fabrics. There are other DIY tips for removing rust stains in clothes:

  • Vinegar and salt to remove rust stains from white clothing.
  • A combination of lemon and salt is also intended specifically for white clothes.
  • Rust in dark clothes can be removed with soured milk. To produce soured milk, you need to leave it standing in a warm place for a few days.

The best way to use HG stain away no 7 and the above-mentioned products is explained in the article ‘How to remove rust stains from clothes 4 convenient tips’.

Remove coffee stains from your clothes

A coffee stain always happens at the most inconvenient time. Generally, you will choose to change your clothes quickly. The result is that the coffee stain dries out, making it more difficult to remove. However, it is not impossible. HG stain away no. 1 is extremely effective for dried-out or fresh coffee stains. Other DIY tips include vinegar, salt, alcohol, baby wipes and baking soda. You can read how you use those to remove coffee stains from your clothes in the article ‘How to remove a coffee stain | the best tips for removing a coffee stain’

HG stain away no. 1 is also the perfect product to remove red wine stains from your clothes.

Remove grease stains from your clothes

A grease stain is often thought to be the stain you cannot get rid of, but with the right treatment they too can be removed. Grease is an all-encompassing term. Just consider oil stains, gravy stains, wax stains, or stains produced by shoe polish. The best HG product to use and the alternative products that are available depend on the type of grease stain. In the article ‘How to get grease out of clothes | Remove grease stains from clothes or other surfaces’ you can read how to deal with grease stains.

How do I remove washing machine stains from clothes?

It's really annoying when your freshly washed laundry comes out of the washing machine with stains. These black marks and stripes are usually caused by greasy blobs in the washing machine. They are an accumulation of grease and detergent residues in the washing machine. Some of these grease and detergent residues come away during high-temperature programmes, which means they spread through the machine and onto your laundry.

You can prevent grease blobs in your washing machine by not just using liquid detergents, by washing less often at low temperatures, by cleaning your washing machine on time, or by selecting a slightly longer programme more often. 

If you need to remove those washing machine stains from your clothes, use HG laundry pre-treat stain remover extra strong

If you have the best tip for removing stains from clothes that could not and should not be missing, please let us know!

Frequently Asked Questions about how to get stains out of white clothes

Which stains are impossible to remove from clothes?

If, despite having washed them a few times, you still cannot remove the stains from your clothes, don't throw them away just yet. Many stains can still be removed, provided you go about it the right way. Even when you have washed the garment a few times already. Generally, you can remove any stain from your clothes.

Can I use vinegar to remove stains from clothes?

Certainly, you can use vinegar to remove various types of stains from clothes, being:

  • Blood stains
  • Red wine stains
  • Fruit stains
  • Coffee stains
  • Tea stains 
  • Iodine stains

How do I remove washing machine stains from clothes?

You can remove washing machine stains from your clothes with HG stain spray.

Which HG products do I use to remove stains from clothes?

The best HG product to use for removing stains from clothes depends on the type of stain. We have a number of stain removers in our range. We have HG stain away no. 1 to HG stain away no. 7 and HG laundry pre-treat stain remover extra strong. Every stain away is intended for a specific type of stain.

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