How to remove oil stains from clothing: 4 convenient tips

Do you need to remove olive oil stains from clothes? Removing oil stains, such as an olive oil stain would seem a hopeless task, because grease and water repel. Washing in the washing machine or scrubbing with soapy water often does not provide the required result. Fortunately there are all sorts of ways in which you can remove an oil stain from clothing. Read our tips.

How do you get an oil stain on clothing?

It can happen to anybody: an oil stain on your clothes. A bottle of olive oil falls over, oil splashes in the pan or you drop food on your clothes. Before you know it, you've got an oil stain on your clothing. With HG 4 in 1 protector for textiles you protect your clothing against stains. Ideal for tablecloths, serviettes or items of clothing. You don’t have this spray but you still need to remove oil stains from clothing? We would like to help you with the tips and products below.

3 alternative ways to remove oil stains from clothing

HG stain away no. 2 removes oil stains from clothes effectively. Various tips are shared on the internet, and you can try those to remove oil stains from clothing. HG selected a number of tips.  

Remember, these are DIY tips. Be careful when you use those products. If you want to remove oil stains from clothes safely, use HG stain away no. 2.

how to remove oil stains from clothing1. Vinegar

You can use vinegar to remove oil stains or olive oil stains from clothes. Pour some vinegar on the stain and leave it to absorb for 30 minutes. Then wash the garment with warm water and soap.

2. Lemon juice

Lemon juice can remove an oil stain from your clothing. Squeeze the juice and rub it onto the oil stain. Leave the juice to absorb for 10 minutes and then soak the garment in warm water. Then wash the item of clothing in the washing machine. 

3. Corn flour

Corn flour has an absorbing effect. Sprinkle corn flour onto the stain and leave it to absorb for a few minutes. Gently rub the stain with a soft brush. Remove the corn flour and wash the item of clothing in the washing machine.

These methods may cause stains or may bleach your clothing. Remember to test them first in an inconspicuous place. If you want to remove oil stains from clothes safely, use HG stain away no. 2.

HG stain away no. 2: the effective stain remover for fabrics

remove oil stains from clothingProducts, such as vinegar, lemon juice and corn flour are not always effective. With HG stain away no. 2 you can remove oil stains or olive stains from clothes quickly and effectively. This is a multipurpose stain remover. You can also use this product for stains caused by felt tip, stickers, tippex and more.

This is how you use HG stain away no. 2 to remove oil stains from clothing: 

Larger stains:

  1. Treat an inconspicuous part of the fabric to test it for colourfastness.
  2. Remove the residues of the stain as much as possible with kitchen roll for example. 
  3. Fill a dish with HG stain away no. 2.
  4. Put the fabric with the stain in the dish.
  5. Leave to soak for 10 to 15 minutes, but don’t let the product dry out.
  6. Now rub the fabric against the fabric and rinse properly with warm water.
  7. Repeat the treatment when necessary and leave it to soak for a longer period of time.

Smaller stains:

  1. Treat an inconspicuous part of the fabric to test it for colourfastness.
  2. Put the oil stain on an absorbing white surface, such as kitchen roll.
  3. Use an old cloth and apply the product to the cloth.
  4. Dab the stain.
  5. Rinse it thoroughly with warm water.
    • For more information about the product and an explanation of how you can remove an oil stain from clothing, visit our product page: HG stain away no. 2.

Frequently Asked Questions on how to remove oil stains from clothing

Can I prevent oil stains on clothing?

With the right pre-treatment, you can prevent most oil stains on clothes. You can treat your fabrics with HG 4 in 1 protector for textiles. This protects your clothing against stains and makes it water repellent at the same time.

Which HG product do I use to remove oil stains from clothes?

You can remove oil stains in clothes with HG stain away no. 2. You can also use this product to remove marker pen, grease, oil, shoe polish, vegetable oil, deep-fat frying grease, lubricant, stickers or tippex.

How do I remove an olive oil stain?

You remove olive oil stains from clothing in the same way as you remove other oil stains. Use HG stain away no. 2 to remove olive oil stains. Look at our product page for the instructions.

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