How to remove furniture wax from furniture? HG provides the best tips

Does your furniture need a little care and attention or do you need to apply a different wax? Removing furniture waxis not as difficult as you may think. On this page we share the best tips for removing old layers offurniture wax. Don't wait! Read more.

Reasons for removing furniture wax

Furniture wax is a maintenance product for wooden furniture for example. The basic ingredient is bees wax or another protective product. Applying furniture wax is a precision job. The wax needs to be rubbed in properly and you shouldn't use too much wax. If you do, you create stains or unevenness.

The most common reasons for removing wax are: Removing old furniture wax:

  1. To repaint the furniture.
  2. A stain was produced during the treatment.
  3. The furniture has stains due to use.

Wood is a vulnerable natural product that can become damaged. So it is important to remove the furniture waxcarefully. On this page we tell you more about removing furniture wax from wood.

4 DIY tips for removing furniture wax

Various tips are shared on the internet on how to remove furniture waxfrom furniture. HG selected a number of tips. You can use those to try to remove old furniture wax.

Remember, these are DIY tips. Use these products with caution and test them in advance on an inconspicuous piece of wood. If you want to remove dirt and stains safely, use HG furniture wax remover.

how to remove furniture wax1. Remove furniture wax with soda

You can remove old furniture waxwith hot water and soda.

  1. Prepare a solution of hot water and a cupful of soda.
  2. Put an old cloth on the floor to catch the furniture wax.
  3. Pour the hot soda water over the surface that requires treatment.
  4. Scrub with a hard brush (always wear household gloves).
  5. Dry the furniture.

2. Remove furniture wax with soft household soap

Layers of furniture wax that are not too thick can be removed with water and soft household soap. Make sure the surface is not too wet.

3. Remove furniture wax with tea

You can remove an old layer of furniture wax as follows:

  1. Make one litre of tea with 2 teabags.
  2. Let the tea cool down.
  3. Moisten a cloth with the tea solution.
  4. Wipe the furniture and make sure that the wood is not too wet.
  5. Dry the furniture properly.

4. Remove furniture wax with turpentine

Turpentine is a solvent and can be used as a wax dissolver.

Apply some turpentine to a cloth and rub the surface clean. NB: turpentine is not the same as white spirits.

HG furniture wax remover removes the top layer of old wax layers

remove furniture waxProducts such as soda, soft household soap, tea and turpentine are not always effective. Some solutions can even damage the surface. With HG furniture wax removeryou can remove furniture wax safely from wood.

This is how you use HG furniture wax remover to removefurniture wax:

  1. Ensure that the surface to be treated is clean.
  2. Apply the remover with a clean cloth and rub it in properly.
  3. Remove the loosened layer of wax with a clean cloth.
  4. Leave the surface to dry properly.
  5. Now treat the furniture with HG liquid antique wax brown or yellow.
    • After removing the old wax layers and the treatment with HG liquid antique wax, your furniture looks like new again. For more information about this product, visit the product page: HG furniture wax remover.

Frequently Asked Questions about removing furniture wax from furniture

How do I remove furniture wax from furniture?

Products such as soda, soft household soap, tea and turpentine are not always effective. Some solutions can even damage the surface. With HG furniture wax removeryou can remove furniture wax safely from wood.

Which HG product can I use to remove furniture wax?

You can remove furniture waxwithHG furniture wax remover. You can use this product to remove furniture wax from wood.

I have removed the furniture wax. Now what?

It is important to apply a new protective coating. You use new furniture wax for that. Use our HG liquid antique wax brownor yellow.

The layer of furniture wax was too thick, but it is still okay. What should I do?

If the furniture wax is still okay, you can heat it up with a hairdryer. Be careful and make sure you don't damage the wood. When the furniture is warm, you can polish the furniture wax with a soft cloth.

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HG furniture wax remover

HG furniture wax remover

  • Furniture wax remover removes the top layer of old wax layers

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