Remove cat-pee smell | What to do about this pungent smell?

In general, you will not be able to remove the smell of cat pee with water and soap. Even though the settee, the carpet, or the clothes look clean, the smell lingers. This smell can be really penetrating and often returns after a normal wash or clean. calls for different measures! 

Apart from advice on how to remove the smell of cat urine, we also offer some tips on how to prevent your cat or cats from peeing in the same place time and again. You will keep your house clean, and the cats like it better too.

Why does the cat pee outside the tray?

how to remove smell of cat peeDespite the fact that you have a cat-litter tray, it can happen that the cat pees outside the tray. That can have a number of reasons.

  1. Cat-litter tray is not clean
    The cat-litter tray is not clean enough. Cats are really clean animals and if the cat-litter tray is too dirty for their liking, they will go somewhere else.
  2. Cat is ill
    The cat may have a disease. FLUTD is a common disease in cats and produces bladder stones or bladder infections, meaning the cat will have to pee at the most unexpected moments.
  3. Stress
    The cat may experience stress which causes upset, and the cat may start to pee in different places.
  4. Spraying
    Male cats also display spraying behaviour. If a cat has not been castrated or sterilised, it may display territorial behaviour and start spraying on vertical surfaces in particular. Tom cats display that type of behaviour.

HG provides the solution for cat pee

The urine smell caused by cat pee can linger after normal cleaning. HG Odour eliminator extremely powerful for cats provides the solution for this cat-pee smell. HG Odour eliminator extremely powerful for cats has been developed specifically for removing the smell of cat urine.

This organic product does not mask the urine odour but removes its source, as natural enzymes and microbes convert the remaining odour molecules into water, CO2, and other odourless substances. As much as possible of the urine has to be removed with a clean cloth and water first. Then dab the cleaned area dry with tissues or kitchen roll and spray HG Odour eliminator extremely powerful for cats on the spot.

Remove the smell of cat urine

Nothing is quite as pungent as cat urine. Fortunately, you can put a simple end to the stench with HG Odour eliminator extremely powerful for cats! We do also share a few tips we saw on different websites. However, we cannot guarantee they are effective.

Other products: which ones yes and which ones no?

You can try to remove the smell of cat urine with soda. Did you know it is better not to use vinegar or bleach - even though that seems counterintuitive? Further on, we explain the reason.

1. Cleaning soda
Some blogs say you can use a cleaning soda to remove cat urine from the carpet, rugs or mattresses, as this neutralises odours. Sprinkle some of this soda on the stain, leave it for a day, and then vacuum it up with a vacuum cleaner.

2. No not use vinegar, bleach, or chlorine
We also advise against chlorine because it is toxic and, like vinegar and bleach, it actually encourages the cat to pee where you just used it.

remove smell of cat pee

3. Do not use products that mask the smells
Cats use their odour to mark their territory. If they experience a new smell, this will invite them to urinate more until their own smell is stronger than the one of your product.

Have you tried the cleaning soda and had little or no success? Then try the HG solution developed specifically for removing the smell of cat pee.


Tips for preventing the smell of cat pee

Removal is one thing. Ideally you prevent the cat from using your settee, carpet, or clothes as a cat-litter tray. Cats hate the smell of menthol. You can spread menthol cream on or near the place in question. The cats will be less likely to urinate in that spot. Be careful with certain fabrics and materials as menthol can cause stains! Would you like a safe option? HG Odour eliminator extremely powerful for cats is safe for furniture and animals. 

If you have a good tip for removing the smell of cat pee, please let us know!

Frequently Asked Questions on how to remove cat urine

Why will a cat pee outside the tray from time to time?

Cats can pee outside the cat-litter tray for the following reasons

  • The cat-litter tray is not clean.
  • The cat is ill.
  • Stress.
  • Spraying.

What should I avoid when I remove the smell of cat pee?

The smell of cat urine requires specific solutions. You cannot use just any product.

  • Cleaning soda can remove the smell of cat pee.
  • You should not use vinegar, bleach, or chlorine to remove the smell of cat pee. They are toxic for the cat and can actually encourage it to urinate in the wrong places.

Do not use products that mask the cat-pee smells. It often makes cats urinate in the same place again.

How can I prevent the smell of cat pee?

You can apply menthol cream to places where cats urinate frequently.

Which HG product do I use to remove the smell of cat pee?

HG Odour eliminator extremely powerful for cats has been developed specifically for removing the smell of cat urine.

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  • Removes the source of the odour once and for all

Other tips for Unpleasant Odours & Smells