Do you have a smelly or stained mattress? Tips on how to clean a stained mattress


Is your mattress smelly and do you want to freshen it up? A smelly or stained mattress is a hindrance and is very unpleasant. Of course you want to wake up in a fresh-smelling environment! Fortunately, there are several ways to clean your mattress as well as ways to prevent this problem.

Why does the mattress have an unpleasant odour?

matress cleaningThere are various causes for a smelly or stained mattress, varying form urine to excessive sweating if you have the flu, or even vomit. In general you lose half a litre of fluid during the night, and this is absorbed into the mattress. And then there is excessive perspiring when you are sick or sleeping in a very warm room.

You can prevent dust mites, which some people are allergic to, by changing your bed linen regularly. And it is also important to freshen up and clean your mattress regularly.

6 tips on how to clean a mattress

Below we will share some of the best tips on how to prevent a smelly or stained mattress. Tips to enjoy a fresh-smelling mattress for as long as possible!

1. Due to, for example, high humidity, your mattress can begin to smell musty after some time. Is it good weather? Put your mattress out in the sun so it can dry completely and air out.

2. Wash your bed linen regularly at a temperature of at least 40 degrees C. This will provide a clean environment and the mattress will not absorb smells as easily. Make sure to read the washing instructions!

3. Keep a good eye on the weather forecast so you know when to start using thinner blankets so you do not perspire as much. 

4. It is important to flip the mattress once in awhile. This will prevent deformations from lying in the same position. This also means you will not always be sleeping on just one side of the mattress, so it gets a chance to air out.

5. Do not make the bed straight away, let it air out. When you cover the mattress with blankets, it cannot air out and fluids and heat remain in the mattress. Fold the blankets down to the foot end of the bed so the mattress can air out during the day. 

6. Molleton mattress covers absorb fluids very well.. Placing two molleton mattress cover over your mattress will help absorb a great deal of fluid. You must wash the molleton mattress covers at least once a month.

How to clean a mattress?

3 household tips on how to clean a mattress 

Various websites and blogs mention several household tips on how to clean a mattress and freshen it up. Note: these methods do not guarantee success:

1. Soda
Soda is often used. Sprinkle soda on the mattress and leave it to be absorbed for a bit. The soda will slowly absorb the fluids and smells and then you can vacuum it up with the vacuum cleaner.

matress steam cleaning2. Steam cleaning
Steam cleaning is an effective way to clean a mattress. This disinfects and kills bacteria. The steam not only cleans the mattress, it also helps to make it fresh smelling by removing unpleasant odours.

3. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
This product is known for removing bad odours. Sprinkle baking soda on your mattress and leave it for approximately 10 minutes before vacuuming it up.

Have you tried the tips above for cleaning your mattress and had little or no success? Then try the HG solution developed especially for cleaning a smelly or stained mattress.

Clean a smelly mattress with HG

HG mattress odour remover is a perfect solution for regular and easy cleaning of your mattress and it also freshens it up. Over time mattresses can start to smell less fresh due to night-time perspiration, no matter how hard you try to prevent it. Excessive perspiring when you have the flu, incontinence or vomit are main causes. This organic product based on enzymes and microbes does not mask odours but removes them effectively. The mattress odour remover is an aide for giving your mattress a fresh smell again after washing your bed linen, but it does not clean mattress stains. 

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Other tips for Unpleasant Odours & Smells