How to get rid of dog smell | Get rid of dog smell quickly with these tips

Every dog owner recognises it. That typical, slightly musty smell our loyal four footer leaves behind. Particularly when the dog got wet. The whole house smells of dog. Fabric surfaces really take the hit. You quickly end up with dog smell in the carpet or in the car. A dog smell in the house or the car can be unpleasant. Particularly when you're expecting visitors. You want to get rid of that dog smell before they arrive. Fortunately, it is really easy to stop the house from smelling of dog. We have some quick, simple and convenient tips for getting rid of dog smell from your house or the car seats.

How come my house smells like dog?

how to get rid of dog smellA strong whiff of dog can have different causes. However, your loyal four footer is often not to blame for that typical dog smell. It comes from bacteria and yeasts that occur naturally in their coat. They become more active if dogs get wet often or are out in cold weather. That's why you can smell that typical dog smell at home after you've walked the dog in the rain. Some bacteria in the ears, toes or armpits can start to smell when they get warm. Unfortunately, this dog smell can transfer to all sorts of things. Read more about how to stop the house smelling of dog.

Remove dog smells at source with HG eliminator of all unpleasant smells at source

You can  neutralise the dog smell in a house. Of course it is even better to remove the dog smell by removing the source. We don't mean getting rid of the dog, but dealing with the places where the dog smell has been absorbed. With HG Odour eliminator extremely powerful for dogs you don't mask the odour, but you really deal with the source. It is completely safe for humans and animals, and it is 100% organic. Ideal for removing dog smell from a sofa. It works on all absorbing surfaces, so it also works for getting rid of dog smell from a rug or the dog basket itself. You can also use HG odour eliminator for all surfaces.

Complete the following steps to get rid of the source of dog smells with HG Odour eliminator extremely powerful for dogs:

  1. Remove any remaining vomit, faeces, or urine with some kitchen roll. 
  2. Turn the nozzle on the front a quarter turn.
  3. Spray the surface that needs cleaning liberally with HG Odour eliminator extremely powerful for dogs. The product must be applied properly to the ‘source of the odour’ in order to remove the bad smell completely. Depending on the surface, the source of the odour will disappear between 20 minutes and several hours. The odour will have disappeared when the treated surface has dried completely. 
  4. Repeat the treatment if necessary. 
  5. Turn the nozzle a quarter turn after use (OFF).

Eliminate dog odour from the settee

Has your couch started to smell of dog? It is not difficult to remove dog smell from the settee. We have listed a few tips. They also work for fabric dog baskets.

dog smell in the house

  1. How to get rid of the smell of dog with baking soda or washing powder
    Sprinkle some baking soda on the place where the smell comes from and leave it to absorb for at least an hour. Vacuum up the powder to remove the dog smell from the settee. You can also get rid of dogs smells from the sofa by doing the same with washing power.
  2. How to remove dog odour with vinegar
    You can remove dog smell from a sofa with vinegar. Fill a plant spray with half vinegar and half water. Spray it on the upholstery to remove the dog smell from the sofa. Remember that vinegar itself will also smell for a while.
  3. Get rid of dog smell from the sofa with steam cleaning
    This is an expensive solution, because you often need to hire a professional steam cleaner or call somebody in to do it. However, steam cleaning does guarantee that you eliminate the dog smell from the couch.

Remove dog odour from the car

To remove the smell of dog from the car it is better to follow a phased plan:

how to remove dog odour

  • Vacuum first
    If you had the dog in the car it is important to vacuum up all the hair first.
  • Cleaning synthetic parts
    Then clean all the synthetic parts, such as the dashboard.
  • Wash the covers
    Can you remove the covers from your car seats? Great, you can wash them. If not, you have to clean the upholstery with something else.
  • Clean the upholstery
    You can use HG eliminator of all unpleasant smells at source of course. You can also get rid of dog smell from a car by using the above tips for the settee with baking soda or vinegar.

The dog smell still sticks around? Then it could be the air-conditioning rather than your dog. You can remove that ‘dog smell’ from the car by cleaning the air-conditioning and the air grilles.

Get rid of dog smell in the carpet

The dog smell has got into the carpet? It's fairly simple to remove dog smell from a carpet. It is best to remove dog smell from a rug with baking soda. Sprinkle the rug with baking soda. Leave it to absorb for at least 30 minutes but ideally half a day. Then vacuum it up.

Neutralise dog smell in the house

You can’t locate the source? You can try to neutralise the dog smell in the home.

  1. Ventilate the house
    You can remove dog smell by ventilating your house. However, the smell will come back as soon as you close the window.
  2. Air-purifying plants
    There are plants that purify the air from smells. For example, calla lilly or ivy.
  3. Ground coffee
    You can neutralise the dog smell at home by putting a container with ground coffee near the places where the dog tends to lie down. Coffee absorbs smells. Change the coffee every other week.

Read more tips in this article on how to neutralise smells in a house.

Prevent dog smell in the house

If you want to prevent a dog smell in the house, you need to start with your dog. We provide some tips to prevent your dog from spreading an unpleasant smell.

  1. Dry off a wet dog
    The bacteria and yeasts are often activated by damp. Is the dog wet? Dry it off quickly.
  2. how to get dog smell out of a houseWash the dog
    You can also wash your dog regularly with special dog shampoo. Do it in accordance with the instructions and not too often. Washing too often is not good for your dog.
  3. Use dog blankets
    Does the dog have a habit of lying on the settee? Or if the dog basket is difficult to clean, use a blanket. They are easier to wash.
  4. Care properly for your dog
    That is obvious, but you do need to care properly for your dog. Brush the dog regularly, clean its ears regularly, make sure the dog gets enough exercise, and brush its teeth. Feed can be a cause too. Make sure you give it the right feed.

NB! The typical dog smell caused by natural bacteria and yeasts is not dangerous. If you notice that your dog smells differently or worse, and this does not change with washing, it is important to work out the cause. The dog could be ill or have other problems. Consult a vet.

Frequently Asked Questions on how to get dog smell out of a house

My house smells like dog no matter how much I clean - what are the causes of dog smell?

That typical dog smell comes from bacteria and yeasts that occur naturally in their coat. They can give off that typical smell because of damp, cold, or heat.

How do you remove dog smell from the settee?

You can remove dog smell from the sofa with:

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Steam cleaning

How do I remove dog smell from the car?

Complete the following steps to remove dog smell from a car

  • Vacuum the car 
  • Clean the synthetic parts
  • Clean the upholstery

How do I remove dog smell from the carpet?

Baking soda is the best way to get rid of dog smell from a carpet.

How do I neutralise dog smell in the house?

You can neutralise the smell of your dog by:

  • Ventilating
  • Buying air-purifying plants
  • Placing containers with ground coffee

How do I prevent dog smell in the house?

The following tips can help to prevent dog smell in a house:

  • Dry your dog when it is wet 
  • Wash the dog regularly
  • Use dog blankets
  • Care properly for your dog

Which HG product do I use to remove dog smell from a house?

With HG Odour eliminator extremely powerful for dogs you do not mask the dog smell but deal with the source.

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HG odour eliminator extremely powerful for dogs

HG odour eliminator extremely powerful for dogs

  • Removes the source of the odour once and for all

Other tips for Unpleasant Odours & Smells