How to clean natural stone? 6 tips for making your floor shine

Do you need to clean marble or other calciferous natural-stone types? Using the wrong product or cleaning method damages the floor and affects the shiny coating. On this, page we share a number of tips for cleaning natural stone floors. They ensure your floor continues to look like new.

Why is it important to clean natural stone?

Over time, dirt adheres to natural stone. For example soap residues in the bathroom and dirt from outside on the living-room floor. Natural stone can become damaged or lose its shine. Stains or streaks can be caused by the wrong cleaning methods. All that makes it important to clean natural stone carefully, and with the right products. Appropriate maintenance will ensure that you can enjoy your natural stone for many years to come.

How to clean natural stone. 5 tips for preventing damage

HG natural stone cleaner extra strong is the safe solution for intensive cleaning of natural stone. Regular cleaning of your natural stone to retain the shine you do with HG natural stone cleaner extra strong. Various tips are shared on the internet about the wrong products and methods for cleaning natural stone tiles. Prevent damage to your floor by not using those products:

how to clean natural stone 011. No acid products 

Marble and other calciferous natural-stone types should never be cleaned with an acid product. Acid products include anti-scale products, vinegar, or lemon juice. Cleaning natural stone with cleaning vinegar is only possible when you are absolutely certain that your natural stone is non-calciferous. Orange juice, soft drinks, and wine are also acid products. So be careful with spills.

2. Do not use a scouring sponge

Do not use a scouring sponge for regular cleaning of natural stone. By scrubbing natural stone hard with a scouring sponge, you cause damage.  It is better to use a soft sponge or a microfibre cloth. If you want to clean natural stone thoroughly, you can use a brush.

3. No corrosive products

Do you want to clean a natural-stone floor? Or other natural-stone surfaces? Do not use corrosive products. Chlorine is an example of a corrosive product. These types of products can damage natural stone. 

4. Do not use hot water

Do not clean natural stone with hot water. Hot water can damage the protective coating and that is needed to prevent stains from being absorbed into the stone.

5. No soft household soap

Soft household soap leaves a greasy film behind, which is not desirable. Using too much of other cleaning agents can have the same effect. This film accumulates every time you clean will need to be scrubbed off after a period of time.

What should you do? Clean natural stone regularly. After dusting or vacuuming, use lukewarm water with HG natural stone cleaner streak free once or twice a week. For intensive cleaning you use HG natural stone cleaner extra strong. That is how natural stone is protected and cared for in the best possible way, and it will retain its beautiful look.

HG: the safe and powerful solution for cleaning your natural stone

cleaning natural stoneClean your floor safely with HG natural stone cleaner extra strong. This formula has been developed for removing grease and caked-on dirt from marble and other calciferous natural-stone types. For example travertine, solnhofer, granite, terrazzo et cetera.

It is also suitable for removing polish and other protective films, such as HG natural stone protector (product 33).

This is how you use HG natural stone cleaner extra strong: 

  1. Dissolve half a litre of HG natural stone cleaner extra strong in half a bucket of lukewarm water (5 litres).
  2. Apply it liberally with a floor cloth or mop.
  3. Now leave the cleaner to absorb for a few minutes.
  4. Then scrub well if required. 
  5. Now remove the solution from the surface with a mop or a floor cloth. Rinse and wring out regularly. 
  6. Finally, mop the floor again with clean water. 

Do you need to remove firmly adhered dirt or old polish and other protective films? Apply this product neatly. Then follow the steps described above. 

Maintain the shine and polish of your natural-stone floor with HG natural stone cleaner streak free. This mopping cleaner is intended for regular use, has a fresh fragrance, and cleans your natural-stone floor thoroughly, safely, quickly, and without streaks. Without having to dry the floor afterwards. 

This is how you use HG natural stone cleaner streak free:

  1. Dissolve 50 ml (half a cup) of HG natural stone cleaner streak free in half a bucket (5L) of lukewarm water.
  2. Mop the floor with a properly wrung-out mop or floor cloth, regularly rinsing it in the cleaning solution.
  3. No need to rinse of mop afterwards. Leave the floor to dry naturally.

Frequently Asked Questions about how to clean natural stone

Why do I need to clean natural stone?

Over time, dirt adheres to natural stone. For example soap residues in the bathroom and dirt from outside on the living-room floor. Natural stone can become damaged or lose its shine. Stains or streaks can be caused by the wrong cleaning methods. All that makes it important to clean natural stone carefully, and with the right products.

What do I need to do to prevent damage to natural stone?

When you clean natural stone, it is important to use the right products and methods. That way you prevent damage. Do not use a scouring sponge, hot water, acid products, corrosive products or soft household soap.

Which HG product do I use to clean natural stone?

For regular cleaning you use HG natural stone cleaner streak free. Does your natural-stone floor need a thorough clean? Use HG natural stone cleaner extra strong.

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