How to descale a shower head 2 tips for removing scale from a shower head

You don’t have to descale a shower head too often. But ... as soon as you need to, it’s good to know what you need to do to descale your shower head.  HG provides you with 2 tips for descaling your shower head so you can enjoy showering again.

The cause of scale in your shower head

When you run the shower and your shower head no longer lets water through properly or when the water sprays any which way, you shower head may well be blocked with limescale buildup. By cleaning and descaling your shower head you will enjoy a better shower experience. 

how to descale a shower headThere are various causes for scale in your shower head:

Scale in your shower head is caused by the water that flows through the shower head. The water contains scale. As soon as you turn off the shower, some water stays behind in the shower head. This causes mineral deposits in your shower head.  Some become blocked sooner than others. Possibly because the use in one household is greater than in another. 

Hardness of the water
You may also live in a region where the water is much harder. Hard water is water that contains plenty of calcium, and produces scale quicker. 

You can slow down scale formation by drying off the shower head after showering. This means less water stays in the shower head and scale formation starts less quickly. 

HG is the solution for descaling a shower head

HG limescale remover foam spray super powerful and HG limescale remover concentrate do what they promise. Both products are suitable for removing scale from your shower head in a thorough, convenient and quick way. Both products are extra powerful and provide the required result.

This is how you use HG limescale remover foam spray super powerful to descale your shower head:

  1. Spray the foam spray on the shower head and leave it to work for maximum 5 minutes.
  2. Then rinse it off or wipe off the shower head with a damp cloth.

This is how you use HG limescale remover concentrate to descale your shower head:

  1. Dilute the professional limescale remover in the sink or in a bucket of warm water.
  2. Leave the shower head to soak in the bucket or sink for 30 minutes and then clean it with a brush.
  3. Now dry the shower head with a cloth.
  4. The result is a shower head free from scale!

Clean and descale a shower head: 2 tips

HG limescale remover concentrate or HG limescale remover foam spray super powerful is the best and easiest way to descale a shower head. 

descale shower head However, you can also try some DIY products. There are various tips on the internet for cleaning and descaling your shower head.

HG randomly selected 2 tips you can use to descale and clean your shower head. HG does not guarantee success with the following tips.


1. Cleaning vinegar 

  • For cleaning and descaling a shower head with white vinegar: remove the shower head from the hose.
  • Fill the sink or a bucket and add approximately 100ml of vinegar. 
  • Submerge the shower head fully and leave it to soak for 24 hours. 
  • Then rinse the shower head properly with water from the tap. Dry the shower head before you put it back.

2. Cleaning soda

  • Remove the shower head from the hose.
  • Add 2-3 tablespoons of soda to a bucket. 
  • Fill the bucket with warm water. 
  • Submerge the shower head fully and leave it to soak for 24 hours. 
  • Then rinse the shower head properly with water from the tap. Dry the shower head before you put it back. 

If you have a shower head/rain shower that is fitted to the wall, you can use a plastic bag. Attach a plastic bag filled with vinegar or soda to the shower head. Leave this to soak for 24 hours and then rinse it with water. 

Frequently Asked Questions about how to descale a shower hose and shower head

Why do I have to descale my shower head?

Scale will block the holes, and that means that water does not run through properly and in turn that impacts your shower experience.

How do I descale my shower head?

Want to know how do you descale a showerhead? Take the following steps:

  1. Remove the shower head from the hose.
  2. Use vinegar or soda in the sink or in a bucket full of water.
  3. Submerge the shower head in the cleaning product and leave it to soak for 24 hours.
  4. Then rinse the shower head with tap water, dry it off and put it back

Which HG product do I use to descale my shower head?

HG limescale remover concentrate and HG limescale remover foam spray super powerful are two extremely powerful products that will remove scale from your shower head easily, thoroughly and quickly.

How do I prevent scale in my shower head?

You can slow down the process by drying off the shower head after you finish showering.

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