Do you have yellow stains in the toilet? We tell you how to get rid of yellow stains in the toilet.

It is a nasty, but frequent problem: yellow stains in the toilet. Despite the fact that you clean the toilet with cleaning products and scale removers, you still have yellow stains in the toilet bowl. Chances are that you're dealing with urine scale. What causes yellow stains in the toilet bowl? How are they formed? What can you do to get rid of stubborn urine scale from a toilet (seat)? We will tell you how.

What is urine scale and how is it formed?

yellow stains in the toiletUrine scale is comparable to limescale. Urine scale and limescale leave visible deposits in the toilet. Whereas limescale is a mineral, urine scale contains several mineral salts. The waste in urine contains phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium. These substances produce brown or yellow stains in the toilet bowl. This is known as urine scale. 

This dirt in the toilet bowl means that your toilet is never really hygienically clean. It causes a musty smell, and it is a feeding ground for bacteria. When it is under the rim, it will also have a negative impact on the flushing action.

Yellow stains on a toilet seat are difficult to remove, as those are generally made of plastic. Plastic is not terribly sensitive to dirt, but if you don't clean it regularly, it will end up in the pores eventually. So...prevention is better

With HG is it easy to remove stubborn urine scale

How to remove yellow stains from a toilet? With HG toilet cleaner gel super powerful you remove urine scale quickly and effectively from your toilet bowl. This powerful toilet cleaner removes the most stubborn stains deep in the neck of your toilet. It gives short shrift to this nasty problem. Is the urine scale really stubborn? With HG  toilet renovation kit your toilet bowl will look like new. Do you want to prevent your toilet seat from going yellow? Use our quick and convenient HG sanitary area cleaner

Complete the following steps to remove urine scale with HG toilet cleaner gel super powerful:

  1. Spray the HG toilet cleaner gel super powerful deep under the rim of the toilet and in the toilet bowl. 
  2. Leave the HG toilet cleaner to absorb for 20 to 30 minutes. 
  3. Then brush the toilet bowl clean with a toilet brush to remove the urine scale from the toilet, and flush the toilet.

Alternative tips for how to get yellow stains out of a toilet

HG toilet cleaner gel super powerful is the best way to deal with urine scale. However, you can also remove urine scale with DIY products. We cannot guarantee that those products work. You always use them at your own risk. 

  • Remove urine scale with cola
    Cola is one of the ways to remove urine scale. Pour approximately 450 millilitres of cola over the urine scale. Then leave it to absorb. The longer you leave the cola to absorb, the better. After at least one hour, you brush the brown stains away and flush the toilet.  

how to get rid of yellow stains in the toilet

  • Remove urine scale with cleaning vinegar
    Cleaning vinegar is another good DIY product for removing urine scale. Before you go to bed, pour a good dash of cleaning vinegar in the toilet bowl and leave it to absorb overnight. The next morning it is easy to remove the stains with a toilet brush. 
  • Remove urine scale with baking soda
    Baking soda is an ideal DIY product for removing urine scale. Pour a cup of baking soda in your toilet and leave it to absorb. About 15 minutes is enough. Now scrub the stains away with a brush. If you really want to get rid of urine scale, make a mixture of baking soda and cleaning vinegar. This mixture will start to foam, and the brown stains in the toilet will come away automatically. 

Prevent urine scale and brown stains in the toilet

You'd much rather prevent urine scale than remove those nasty stains from the toilet. By keeping a toilet properly clean with HG toilet cleaner gel hygienic, you prevent brown deposits of urine scale and limescale. It means you keep your toilet clean. 

If you have a good tip for how to remove yellow stains from a toilet bowl, please let us know!

Frequently Asked Questions about how to remove yellow stains from the toilet rim

What is urine scale?

Urine scale consist of waste, such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium. Those waste substances can produce yellow stains on the toilet rim.

How can I remove urine scale from the toilet?

You can remove urine scale or brown stains from the toilet with:

  • Cola
  • Cleaning vinegar
  • Baking soda

Can I prevent urine scale?

Yes, you can prevent urine scale by keeping your toilet really clean. Here you can read more about cleaning a toilet.

Which HG product do I use to remove urine stains?

With HG toilet cleaner gel super powerful you have a super powerful cleaner at home to remove stubborn urine scale.

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