Start as you mean to finish.

Removing paint, degreasing, removing old wallpaper, dissolving glue. There is quite a bit involved when you want to give a room a new look. Our products help you prepare, and during the job itself. Click here for an overview of all our DIY products.

Removing paint, degreasing, removing old wallpaper, dissolving glue. There is quite a bit involved when you want to give a room a new look. Our products help you prepare, and during the job itself.

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5 products found


HG wallpaper remover

  • Super concentrated wallpaper removal
Lees meer over HG wallpaper remover

HG sticker remover


HG sticker remover can remove stickers, sticker adhesive, rubber adhesive, adhesive tape, tar spatter, grease stains, oil, heel marks and much more. It can also be used on most surfaces.

  • Removes e.g. sticker glue, rubber-based glue, cellotape, tar and smear marks
  • Can be used on wood, metal, glass and plastic
Lees meer over HG sticker remover

HG floor glue remover

  • Much better than all others
Lees meer over HG floor glue remover

HG UPVC cleaner

  • Powerful against atmospheric contamination, nicotine and other dirt on UPVC surfaces
Lees meer over HG UPVC cleaner